Orange Is The New Wine

Orange Is The New Wine

One of the best things to do as a kid in fall was to dive head first into piles of leaves that your my dad raked for you and your brother(sister or friend). Roll around to our hearts content, leaves stuck in our hair, for hours on end. The sun shining on your faces with the brisk fall air while hot chocolate awaited us inside. This wine is as fresh as an autumn breeze and the label begged for a romp in the leaves that my girls were all to happy to throw at me 😂 many times over.

Stanlake Park Orange 2021 is all fall freshness and sunshine - made from 100% Siegerrebe, a cold hardy varietal hailing from Germany, translated means “the victory wine.” It’s the type of wine that flirts with its bright charm. Minimal intervention wine undergoes one week of skin contact, closed fermentation of large oak barrels to avoid any oxidation in order to retain its freshness and pure varietal character.

Lightest of light yellow gold color with intensely aromatics of tangerine zest, orange blossom, cantaloupe, candied mango, white peach and wild flowers. The vibrant aromas are ever present in the palate with a harmonious brisk acidity and a tiny bite at the finish. Silky mouth coating feel to this lighter styled skin contact wine and low alcohol makes it such a fresh and easy-drinking type of orange wine that is a great into for those who have never tasted skin contact wine.

Pair Butter Chicken or Thai spring rolls to everyone’s delight. Another winner from @stanlakepark

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