Champagne Terroirs ETC

Champagne Terroirs ETC

My first year at #printempsdeschampagnes was off to a great start.  Old friends and new faces at the tasting and soirée OFF @champagneterroirsetc an association of 10 independent #growerchampagne whose dedication to the #terroir and support of each other as well as their fellowship is one I greatly admire. 

Soirée OFF was held at Le Coque Rouge in Reims

With an array #magnums dating back to 2000 @champ_gaidoz were disgorged throughout the night. Tasting, talking, music, laughing, dancing and champagne camaraderie 🥂 bubbly fun times. Many thanks for the organizers and members of the association.

@piotsevillano @alexis.leconte @champ_gaidoz @bertille_gaidoz @champagne_lucien_roguet @champagnebergeronneau.marion @champagnejacquespicard

@francois.seconde @champagne_marcoult @champagne_dauby

TRES SyMPA DE PASSER CE SOIR! 🥂🥂with #bubblybadasses @delectabulles @winetrackmind @champagne24_berlin

Champagne Terroirs Experience - Printemps 2023

Les Artisans des Champagne

36th Concours des Vins de la Vallée de l'Hérault

36th Concours des Vins de la Vallée de l'Hérault